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  • 姓名: 刘宏斌
  • 性别: 男
  • 职称: 正高级
  • 电子邮件: liuhongbin@ia.ac.cn
    简  历:


      刘宏斌研究员在微创介入精准触觉传感器技术、微创介入柔性机器人技术及触觉接触感知和遥操作交互控制相关的理论研究等方面取得了业内公认的开创性成果。所研发的复杂曲面分布式触觉感知ESSENC技术、具有触觉反馈的微创柔性机器人远程实时交互控制MicroDart系统在理论与技术实践上处于世界领先地位。作为项目负责人,近年多次获得代表英国工程物理领域最高水平的EPSRC基金会资助,累计支持经费134万英镑(约合1200万人民币),其中包括2016年获得颁发给全英杰出青年学者的EPSRC Frist Grant基金。同时,多次获得欧盟委员会,InnovateUK及工业界的资助,曾主持“遥操作软体手术机器人技术(IBM合作)、“高精度三维触感技术(华为合作)”、“精度三远程柔性微创手术系统(爱立信合作)”等科研项目,在英期间总科研经费累计达355万英镑。共发表国际机器人顶尖期刊与会议超过120余篇,H影响因子34。国际发明专利(PCT)申请7项。作为第一指导人指导博士生12名,已获博士学位者6人,博士后3名,硕士生20余人。 





















    2.柔性微创器械驱动系统创新研究 (新型软体功能材料,流体驱动技术) 



    2001-2005 西北工业大学,工学学士 

    2005-2006 伦敦国王学院(King's College London, UK)硕士 

    2006-2010 伦敦国王学院 博士 


    2010-2012 伦敦国王学院 博士后研究员 

    2012-2020 伦敦国王学院 讲师,副教授,(准)教授(Reader in Medical Robotics 

    2020至今  中国科学院自动化研究所,研究员,博导,智能微创技术团队负责人 

    2021至今 中科院香港创新院-人工智能与机器人创新中心,执行副主任 


    1. 具有触觉反馈的远程超声引导微创介入止血机器人,某部委人才基金,xxx[2021]78, ,2022-2025,1000万元,主持 

    2. 具有触觉功能的柔性手术器械感知机理与设计方法研究国家自然科学基金委员会,重点国际合作项目,2016 2020, 291万元参与(代表Kings College London 

    3. LoCoMoTE: Low Cost Morphable Teleoperated Endoscope for Gastric Intestinal Tract Screening, EPSRC (英国工程与自然科学研究委员会)120万(英镑), 2018 -2021,主持 

    4. ESSENCE: Embedding Softness into Structure Enabling Distributed Tactile Sensing of High-order Curved Surfaces, EPSRC(英国工程与自然科学研究委员会)12万英镑,  20162017,主持 

    5. FourByThree: Highly customizable robotic solutions for effective and safe human robot collaboration in manufacturing applications. European Commission(欧盟委员会), 23万英镑,2014 -2017,主持 

    6. STIFF-FLOPSTIFFness controllable Flexible and Learn-able manipulator for surgical Operations, European Commission (欧盟委员会)110万英镑, 2012-2015, 参与 


    1. D Cao; J Hu; Y Li; S Wang; H Liu* ; Polymer-based Optical Waveguide Triaxial Tactile Sensing for 3-dimensional Curved Shell, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 20 22, 7(2): 3443-3450 

    2. J Hu., J Back, P Dasgupta, H Liu*, Embedding Soft Material Channels for Tactile Sensing of Complex Surfaces - Mathematical Modeling, IEEE Sensors Journal, 21(3), pp. 31723183, 9209052, 2021 

    3. L Lindenroth, R Housden, S Wang, J Back, K Rhode, H Liu*, Design and integration of a parallel, soft robotic end-effector for extracorporeal ultrasound, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 67(8), pp. 22152229, 2020 

    4. T Sun, H Liu*, Adaptive force and velocity control based on intrinsic contact sensing during surface exploration of dynamic objects, Autonomous Robots, 44(5), pp. 773790, 2020 

    5. F De Chiara, S Wang, H Liu*, Creating a Soft Tactile Skin employing Fluorescence based Optical Sensing, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 5(2), pp. 33753381, 2020 

    6. C Yu, L Lindenroth, J Hu, J Back, G Abrahams, H Liu*, A vision-based soft somatosensory system for distributed pressure and temperature sensing, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 5(2), pp 3323  3329, 2020 

    7. Z. Zhang*, J. Dequidt, J. Back, H. Liu and C. Duriez, "Motion Control of Cable-Driven Continuum Catheter Robot Through Contacts, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 

    8. J Back, L Lindenroth, K Rhode, H Liu*, Three Dimensional Force Estimation for Steerable Catheters through Bi-point Tracking, Sensors & Actuators: A. Physical, V 279, pp 404-415, 2018 

    9. T Sun, J Back, H Liu*, Combining Contact Forces and Geometry to Recognize Objects During Surface Haptic Exploration, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L), Volume: 3, Issue: 3, July 2018. (DOI: 10.1109/LRA.2018.2814083) 

    10. Julius E. Bernth, Alberto Arezzo, Hongbin Liu*, A Novel Robotic Meshworm with Segment-Bending Anchoring for Colonoscopy, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L), vol2 (3) pp1718-1724, 2017 

    11. T Nanayakkara, A Jiang, M Fernández, Hongbin Liu, K Althoefer, J Bimbo, Stable Grip Control on Soft Objects With Time Varying Stiffness, IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 32(3), 626-637, 2016. 

    12. J Bimbo, S Luo, K Althoefer, Hongbin Liu*, In-hand Object Pose Estimation using Covariance-Based Tactile to Geometry Matching, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L), 1(1), pp 570-577, Jan 2016. 

    13. S Russo*, T Ranzani, Hongbin Liu, S Nefti-Meziani, K Althoefer, Arianna Menciassi, Soft and Stretchable Sensor using Biocompatible Electrodes and Liquid for Medical Applications, Soft Robotics, 2(4) pp: 146-154, 2015. 

    14. P Qi, C Qiu, Hongbin Liu, J S. Dai, L Seneviratne, K Althoefer*, A Novel Continuum Manipulator Design using Serially Connected Double-Layer Planar Springs, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 21(3), 1281-1292, 2016. 

    15. S Luo, W Mou, K Althoefer, Hongbin Liu*, Novel Tactile-SIFT Descriptor for Object Shape Recognition, IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol: 15, Issue: 9, pp 5001 - 5009, 2015. 

    16. Hongbin Liu*, KC Nguyen, V Perdereau, J Back, J Bimbo, M Godden, LD Seneviratne, K Althoefer, Finger Contact Sensing and the Application in Dexterous Hand Manipulation", Autonomous Robots, June 2015, Vol. 39, Issue 1, pp 25-41, 2015. 

    17. H Xie, Hongbin Liu*, Y Noh, J Li, S Wang, K Althoefer, Fiber-Optics based Body Contact Sensor for a Flexible Manipulator, IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol.15, Issue.6 pp3543-3550, 2015. 

    18. X Song, Hongbin Liu*, K Althoefer, T Nanayakkara, LD Seneviratne, "Efficient Break-Away Friction Ratio and Slip Prediction Based on Haptic Surface Exploration", IEEE Transactions on Robotics, vol.30, issue.1, 203  219, 2014. 

    19. P Puangmali*, Hongbin Liu, LD Seneviratne, P Dasgupta, K Althoefer, Miniature 3-axis Distal Force Sensor for Minimally Invasive Surgical Palpation, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, vol.17 no.4, 646-656, 2012. 

    20. Hongbin Liu*, J Li, X Song, LD Seneviratne, K Althoefer, "Rolling Indentation Probe for Tissue Abnormality Identification during Minimally Invasive Surgery", IEEE Transactions on Robotics, vol.27, issue.3, 450  460, 2011. 

    21. K Sangpradit*, Hongbin Liu, P Dasgupta, K Althoefer, LD Seneviratne, Finite Element Modelling of Soft Tissue Rolling Indentation, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol.58, issue.12, 3319  3327, 2011. 

    22. Hongbin Liu*, DP Noonan, B Challacombe, P Dasgupta, LD Seneviratne, K Althoefer, Rolling Mechanical Imaging for Tissue Abnormality Localization During Minimally Invasive Surgery, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol.57, issue.2, 404  414, 2010. 


    1. 王·史蒂文刘宏斌胡健德基亚拉·费德里卡倪刚 ; 一种触觉传感设备、电子设备、耳机以及手表, 2020-6-19, WIPO, PCT/CN2020/097162 (专利) 

    2. Hongbin Liu; Junghwan BACK; Oussama ELHAGE; Prokar DASGU ; Surgical probe, pressure senso r and medical sensing system, 2019-12-11, WIPO, WO2020120960A1 (专利) 

    3. Hongbin Liu; Julius Esmann BERNTH; Bu'Hussain HAYEE ; A robotic device, 2018-2-26, WIPO, WO2018154326A1 (专利) 

    4. Hongbin Liu; Julius Esmann BERNTH; Bu'Hussain HAYEE ; 机器人装置, 2018-2-26, 日本, 2019-5 46344 (专利) 

    5. Hongbin Liu; Julius Esmann BERNTH; Bu'Hussain HAYEE ; A Robotic Device, 2018-2-26, 美国, US20200237198A1 (专利) 

    6. 刘宏斌; J·E·贝恩斯; B·H·海耶 ; 机器人装置, 2018-2-26, 中国, 2018800137477 (专利) 

    7. Yohan Noh; Joao Bimbo; Kawal Rhode; Kaspar Althoefer; Hongbin Liu; Richard James Housden; Helge Wurdemann ; Multi-axis force sensor, 2017-10-3, 美国, US20200049579A1 (专利) 

    8. Y·诺; J·比姆博刘宏斌多轴力传感器, 2017-10-3, 中国, 2017800759663 (专利) 

    9. Yohan Noh; Joao BIMBO; Kawal Rhode; Kaspar Althoefer; Hongbin Liu; Richard James HOUSDEN; Helge WURDEMANN ; Multi-axis force sensor, 2017-10-3, WIPO, WO2018065765A1 (专利) 



    12019Associate Editor编委,Int. Conf. on Soft Robotics (RoboSoft) 

    22017-2019Associate Editor编委,IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 

    32017-2019Associate Editor编委,IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) 

    42017-2018Associate Editor编委,Advanced Robotics 

    52015-2018Associate Editor编委,Frontiers in Robotics and AI 



    12018Special Issue on Soft Haptic Interaction: Modeling, Design, and Application. IEEE Robotic Automation LettersIEEE Robotic Automation Society主要期刊) 

    22018Special Issue on Focused Section on Surgical Robotics for International Journal of Intelligent Robotics and Applications 

    32018Special Issue on Morphological Design for Haptic Interaction and Perception, Advanced Robotics 

    42017Special Issue on Morphological Computation in Soft Robotics, Advanced Robotics 



    12019,主席,IEEE International Conference on Robotic and Automation, Full Day workshop on Soft Haptic Interaction: Modeling, Design, and Application 

    22018,联合主席,IEEE International Conference on Robotic and Automation, Full Day Workshop on Active touch for perception and interaction: How nature inspires robotics 

    32017,主席,IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Full Day Workshop on Soft Morphological Design for Haptic Sensation, Interaction and Display 

    42016,联合主席,1st UK Robot Manipulation Workshop, 11-12 February 2016, Birmingham, UK. 

    52015,联合主席,Innovative Surgical Robotics Forum, jointly organised by the Special Interest Group: Robotics and Autonomous Systems, UK, the EU commission, March 2015. 

    62015,联合主席,IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Full Day Workshop on Safety for Human-Robot Interaction in Industrial Settings, October 2015. 

    72014,联合主席,IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation Full-Day Workshop: Soft and stiffness-controllable robots for MIS, June 2014. 


